Saturday, August 30, 2008

Does god not exist? - II

well so I have much waited to write this post since the last one, and dat was because had an exam today, won't get started on exams now and so coming straight back to where I left ...

for the unitiated read or scroll down to 'does god not exist?' underneath..
so I left it at a point where it seemed like god might exist afterall despite all the claims from science and biology and evolution that they can explain everything naturally.
Now can this argument be countered?
I took about a day and some reading to figure this out...
but I was myself really confused before I finally saw the solution, here it goes.
It's like we have come to the bottom line that if god exists then he has made some effort to conceal his presence and being a god has effectively done so. Now, what's not so subject to subjectivity is the fact that the universe does exist afterall (we talk about the illusionary universe concept later) and it's complex, so we conclude that someone must have designed it, because it seems improbable that something so complex would happen just by chance.
So, god designed the universe and did it in such a way that his presence is not apparent. well fair enough so far. The watchmaker's analogy has lead us this far now moving on, a watchmaker makes a complex watch, because he has a reason, he wants to sell it, the watch has some purpose of existence, to exhibit time that is. So if someone has designed something sensible it should have some purpose.
Does the universe, our existence, the various animals and birds, the micro-organisms etc that exist, the pain, the agony, the wars, the coups do they have a purpose that was planned in advance? Or is it just a random chance based occurance?
There might be a few cases
1. God exists, and has planned everything and this is part of master plan.
2. God exists, and hasn't planned it, is conducting an experiment and observing results.
3. God doesn't exist, we came into existence after a huge number of failed co-incidences and then after another few hundred generations of evolution have become capable to self sustain and develop on emotional as well as tangible fronts.
4. God doesn't exist and neither do we, it's all just an illusion that's taking place in the mind of a young boy who has taken booze for the first time, in some other world. (sounds ridiculous but will write a post later on this)

now considering 1st case, everything is planned, sounds really boring, and I am sure god too would be bored of just playing the storywriter, or maybe not, in which case we are just cast in a great play, and have no choice or decisions of our own, in which case there is no meaning of this life, we are just robots, because we can't do anything on our own, everything is planned in advance and can't be changed. Doesnt appeal like true but might be the case. Although life would really suck if at the end of it i would know it was all staged.

2nd case god made everything and prepared the ground laws but left the rest to self sustain and is a silent observer. Now, why is he silently observing?
Is he enjoying our tussles, and stuggles? Are we the eternal soap opera for him? Is it the big universe prime time show or something? Are we under some sort of psychological experiment?
In any of the above cases, again the meaning of life comes down to just how much entertainment could we provide or what inputs we could generate for the experiment. If this is the case, again life sucks big time. If after my death, god's agent would meet me and congratulate on successful completion of experiment or on a nice display of emotions through the tenure of my role, I would really go crazy. Although wouldn't matter as I am already dead but still. Life again has no meaning.

3rd case no god to watch over or to expect a good show or anything, by chance we came up and are trying to survive and enhance our species. Everything we do in life has a real impact on our future, our happiness, our loved one's lives, and on the future of our coming generations, besides we also affect our planet, other species and the rest of the universe too in some little manner. We have the authority and right to make whatever we feel like of our lives, and this really makes our lives meaningful. It gives us a responsibilty, towards ourselves and those who look forward to us. We can make others happy or sad and we have that power.
This view atleast sounds more hopeful and gives us the will to strive through our lives. Although any of the 1st two views can be disguised to appear as this one, and maybe gods are fooling us to believe this one is the right view, infact if they want us to be good guinneas pigs, they would ensure that we don't know we are being experimented, it's for the good of the experiment if we are blinded.
Then it would make sense why gods remain hidden and have effectively removed all proofs of their existense...

ohh god help me figure out whats the matter with gods..!!
seriously the matter is growing out of proportions..
and once again I have hit a point which I hadn't imagined when i started so stopping to take some breath and find my bearings will be back as this discussion is far from over yet ..


amit maheshwari said...

dude...nice work done....atleast u made me thnk whether god exist or not....even i m agnsotic like u...but certainly feel like analysing it more closely now....will look for some more insights from u....

Unknown said...

maybe u can start ur own blog hehehe... or u can post on my blog I will give u permission ok just let me know if u wanna write...
my blog wud be obliged to have articles from you... :)

Mohitg1580 said...

Woahh dude quite insightful...Im thinking of reading the whole of your blogs rather than doing the OPD shit.

Unknown said...

well u might be lil disappointed bcz most of it is crap... but yeah its more interesting crap den OPD can ever be... :D

so are we going to see mohit's blog too on the blogosphere soon??

mUNna said...

don thank him alone
i hav contributed a lot in dis.......
this was the summary of what we discussed during college time........
Mee ite

Unknown said...

@ munna
hihihi... true man... that's where the foundation goes ... rock on man... waise keep contributing to my blogs dude... the discussion goes on... although u gave up at that time but the problem is not solved yet and we are not going to give up so easily... :)

Sarath said...

do we really need to prove that God doesn't exist???

Unknown said...

well ask urself I know my answer... :)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.