Sunday, August 17, 2008


it's getting about time I need to get my dinner down my throat, just got an odd thought, what does food mean to me?
i have it every day, i enjoy when its nice and tasty, and i look forward to eating out but is it all about food?
is it just about quenching ur hunger at the moment or to enjoy those 10 minutes during which ur swallowing it?


ok will continue after I have my food now... :)

I know u guys won't feel the difference but i back after the dinner... :D
and now as I read wot i had written pre dinner I feel wot the hell...
but anyways will continue just for the heck of it...
btw had a great meal, paranthas, malai kofta, egg bhurji with some curd and butterscotch icecream...
yes I did enjoy those 15-20 minutes even relished the butterscotch on my tongue but now I don't feel anything.. after washing down my throat with some lemonade i can't recall what that meal tasted like or the pleasure I had just a lil while ago devoured ... so was it momentory??
Is eating a momentory pleasure which goes away as soon as you have finished eating...
besides does it have something to do with how hungry u r rather than the actual quality/taste of food... in which case all wud boil down to ur perception of the food rather than the food itself..
and as i can figure out about 50 % of the hype is perception.. u may have different tastes different likes and dislikes u may just not feel like having ur favourite icecream one fine day for some unknown reason...
So then can food be compared to any other source of momentory pleasure?
before answering this i wud just like to verify my stand that i am not against momentory pleasures .. ;) and relish them a lot...
well food is a necessity and it can be enjoyed if it's tasty.. say something like sleeping is a necessity and it can be made a pleasure if u have a beautiful bedroom and a cozy mattress etc...
but at the end of the sleep say when u wake up in the morning after a good sleep does it really matter if the matress was soft or not? unless ur back/neck is not aching and u feel content by the duration of the sleep I don't really think it matters at all wot u slept on... the only matter of difference is how u felt before u went to sleep, wot u felt when u were actually sleeping doesnt matter because u don't really feel much when ur sleeping... :)
and similar i guess is the case with food.. one day u have a sumptuous meal at a grand restaurent.. next day u just eat leftovers from morning before... and next day u just grab a sandwhich from subway... after each of the three and assuming u got the quantity u need for a meal, does it really make a difference what did u eat? yeah before u ate ur meal it might feel great if u were sitting in a great bar with some exquisite drapings but by the time u finish with ur meal all that goes away doesn't it... u just want to go home the beauty of the surroundings doesnt appeal any more... all u can think of is the bill.. ;) if ur paying particularly... even if ur not paying the bill seems to become the point of attention momentarily and then it all seems to vanish and all ur left with is a desire to get back home and may be lie in ur couch or watch a movie or if ur not a homie person den maybe ul think of going to a disk or a walk or do something else, but u can't stand to be in the 'temple of food' for any longer than necessary and most importantly the temple is not appealing any more...
can this mean that its the way or journey to exotic food that we are looking for and once we get it the interest goes away?
Is it also that untill the moment u actually taste the food the thrill and excitement of doing something new, interesting is there, but when u do actually taste the food it just dies away and after that moment ur just filling ur belly for that meal...
It sounds pretty lame to me also to bring down the value of tasty food in such a manner but i don't know seems like its a fact that food is just a meal. and once u had it u cant really tell wot u had for that meal...
Sounds like i have become a saint or something... :)
but to tell u the truth i relish some foods so much that I literally crave for them when I can't get them...

one such thing is chocolates and good coffee, its almost as if I am some sort of hypnosis or drug when I remember these things, this really changes the importance of food to more then just one meal... As also people can and do pay lots of money to savour good food... and the same is also seen by the number of people crowding the restaurents everyday... food is a damn huge industry by itself and lots of research goes into developing foods that are yummy and can make people addicted... :)
so it's more important than it seems.. or is it that it's importance has been wrongly exemplified? maybe because of the excess money and the lack of other interesting things to do in modern world, food has become such a statement... as for the industries I pay due respect to their marketing startegies that they have really made the people believe that food is what they think it is...
what the crap am i talking about what do I or u great people who read my crappy posts have to do with those industries...
infact why am I writing this bullshit...
who am I ??
what am I doing here??



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