Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Rainy Night..

I was on my bike riding back to hostel on NH-8, and it was going fine... was wishing a little rain would do good as it was so dusty and polluted that my eyes were burning off driving for almost last 3 hours... anyways I was passing through IGI when the 1st drops hit my face and I got really pleased… just what I had wished for..!!

But guess I got a little more than what I wished for and within 2 minutes it was hitting so hard on my face had to stop my bike to a side way hotel.. Waited for a few minutes and it seemed to slow in intensity so I moved again and then it again caught up really hard and so I again stopped..

This time waited for about half hour but it didn't stop this time at all... I saw the road in front of me convert to a pool in front of my eyes... it got so deep by the time I left the place that whenever a car passed through it in fast speed the water would splash about 10 feet high.. that was d awesome part... looked pretty kool..

Btw during all this I was standing outside a catmoss store and watching little kid clothes and wondering who would buy stuff from this store it was in the middle of nowhere.. anyways it was quite boring until this bus stopped just in front of the store and a pretty girl came out and rushed towards the store to get shelter… she was followed by her mother to spoil the scene but nonetheless seemed like a decent enough reply to my boredom… So well for the next 15 minutes judged this girl, her mother and exchanged some side glances etc etc and finally reached the conclusion to move on with life… J

anyways seeing the rain won't stop now and it was getting time hostel gates close and having moved over with the pretty girl who didn't appeared all that pretty by now decided to leave and so prepared for getting wet.. hid my cell in d back jean pocket same with wallet.. put the helmet on… looked at the rains hitting the road in front and gave myself some assurance that I could do it and put the key in the bike… gave a last smile to the girl … only to have the mother smile back at me … released the clutch in a smooth stroke and set off…

Tough luck though as I was merely changing to 3rd gear a car rushed by and a 10 feet wave of rain water soaked me completely..

Cursed loud as I cud but the rains were heavy and his car's music loud.. L

Anyways kept driving and rains got heavier so started driving under the flyover trying to act smart but at places water was flowing from the edges of flyover and got such thick waterfall on me that I started feeling water on my innermost body parts in no time... :D

One of the things I don't like about getting soaked is getting water in my pants … I had anticipated this situation though but it was imposed on me with such brutal force that was finding it hard on my ego to swallow it the rain really made me feel small for a moment and seemed to win over me.. anyways lost the thought as I was wearing my new woodland sandals and was trying to save the great leather from getting all swollen in rain but alas... a huge pool of water came and was carefully driving with my legs on the petrol tank but a silly bus stopped right in front of me and had to ground both my feet to gain balance.. cud feel my sandals sucking water and getting 2 pounds heavier each… it was the only feeling which matched the intensity of disgust I felt on having my undergarments getting wet earlier that drive… J

Anyways.. Now that I was totally wet.. I remembered my cell might be in trouble next coz even the back pockets of my jeans were wet by now… so tried some silly things and failed as there was no place at all to keep my cell from getting wet…

by this time I reached the toll bridge it should have been around 8-10 minutes of drive from the catmoss store and now I felt the rain subsiding… and this time didn't feel bad on my wrong decision of leaving 10 minutes early but felt really great as rains suddenly stopped and a sweet cool wind was sweeping past me but this too was a momentary pleasure… it got really cold now and as rains had stopped and I had set the accelerator high I could feel a biting cold shattering my teeth … so to save myself I further increased the speed and focussed really hard on the road and on trying to stay on the road… and it worked as it took the attention off cold… anyways soon I was back to campus… put my bike in the slot… peeled my T-shirt off and started walking towards the room..


1 comment:

Bhargavi said...

Nice write. Good imagery. All of it was flashing across my eyes as a scene..:)