Sunday, August 17, 2008

Catching up...

It's been coupla years since I last blogged in here...
trying to recall, a lot happened during this time...
made an attempt at CAT in 2006 and did pretty bad by my own standards, I think I was prepared but all hale the loss of sleep the night before, really lost my cool and spoilt the final party... after that went thru some tuf time getting over the past relations and moving on to the new life..
as it turned out had a great time in ILP (@ TCS) and then got immersed into work comfortably... the transition was smooth as I got to stay once again at home... it was Masi this time and had a really cozy stay with cousins ...
well along with this began having some great time with TCS buddies...

special mention to kulpreet who ensured that no one he knew ever felt they were working... as a cubicle mate I think we had some of the best times possible in an office... from company perspective though I am afraid they won't appreciate much... ;)
but gyming, TT, chatting, freaking out, hanging out at the cafe were the words that ruled those 6 odd months...

all this while slowly was inching closer the mighty CAT ... was appearing for some mocks and all but I don't really know what i was doing wrong... only practise I remember doing at home used to solving test papers... it must have had helped because during the real thing I did pretty well ;) ..
anyways so after the results, was kinda surprised, sad, happy, confused and lost... it was the kind of feeling u get when u get something you wished for and didn't really made efforts, so eventually I was feeling lucky and kinda took things for granted after that...
Didn't really prepared for interviews either and wasn't much confident but the arrogance perhaps saved the day and as it turned out came out a winner in the end...
yeah one thing I shudnt forget is was happened to me at NITIE... those guys really butchered me... I hope I have taken the lesson that things can't always be taken so lightly...

Well so then came the long process of waiting for the waiting lists to clear... during which I killed time in office big time hiding from bosses and work ;) ... at home watched movies lots of them... and most importantly watched LOST... it must be the best thing I did this year... so had a real good time in front of my lappy ... really paid off buying it... :)

Kinda lost touch with friends during all this while and was lost in another world...
anyways this phase was periodic and got over as the time to move to gurgaon came up...
eventually had to leave the conforts of home and move on, about which i was pretty excited as was going to get back the lost freedom.. :)

Although had a tough 1st week after coming to ggn in physical terms yet as i recall it now I think the only thing I will take with me after that week was that I can stretch myself to any physical limits as possible without failing... a big boostup for future endeavours..

well after settling down the eternal question again dawned upon me as to what am i doing and why and what do I want from life and all... am not over with that phase yet so still looking for some answers... mmm life over here got settled in a pretty smooth stroke, have a real cool roomie and can totally have fun with him... although have been kinda cutoff from the rest of the class but still have found few pretty good friends and will have some more pretty good ones soon... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

daling u have been cutoff frm class never thought that