Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, traditionally considered a feminine trait/hobby/vice I have discovered a few things about shopping that might put some light on the topic, I think even a lot of men have that passion for shopping .. I didn't knew it but I am a big brand freak and I will tell you how crazy can I be about shopping, which I recently realized when I went out to a mall for dinner with this another shopping freak 'male' friend of mine and two girls.

We were just looking for a nice restaurent in the mall and it was getting late, when we passed through a GAS store which had the 50 % flat sale boards flashing all over it. You wont believe it but we both looked at each other and it was the biggest grin possible I saw on his face and he must have seen on mine at that moment, there were no words exchanged.
We spent about half an hour in the store during which contrary to popular beliefs our female friends had to keep reminding us that we can't afford that much expenses, and that time is short, and we need to do better things and all. They really had a good time laughing on our condition. After we finally completed shopping and were going to the restaurent with our GAS bags stuffed with 5 shirts in all we were not talking to each other still, just walking down the corridor and wearing an ear to ear smile... I realized that we were looking quite stupid like that and I told him to keep his mouth shut and so did I but we were both ecstatic about it, thinking and exclaiming loudly how kool we would look in those shirts!!
And for about coupla weeks every one who came to my room had to see and appreciate my shirts and anyone who called me on phone had to hear of my experience.!! Since then I realized that, I totally enjoy shopping. Although it's not typically in a woman's way that we shop, where I guess the difference lies. We just go in select, try and pay as for my case I shop so that I later showoff and feel good about it... While women just seem to enjoy even the process of selecting and going around and keep elongating it perhaps to enhance the pleasure or something..
for men its about the product they shop, while for women its about the process of shopping, that apparently seems more important. But, as for the similarities i think men can be compulsive shoppers as well, maybe not so intricate and subtle but they too can have irrestible cravings for certain products, my favourites would be brands clothes, watches, shoes, electronic gadgets, books.. infact one of the only motivations of my life which makes me try to be richer is the fact that being rich would let me shop without worrying about money.

Still, I think the fundamental question remains, shopping for a product seems to be reasonable as that should be the aim of shopping, but shopping just for the sake of shopping??
Although, I am sure it can't be generalized to all women, still atleast some of them, surely do it. They would go into tremendous troubles just to find the right fit, or the right shade or maybe a lil lesser price. I don't really understand what psychological reasons might be behind it, perhaps some females reading this might throw some light...

1 comment:

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